Division Games: A Helpful Way For Kids To Learn Math

Posted on : 02-09-2011 | By : Admin | In : General


Can Division Games Really Help Kids Learn Math?

Division GamesHelping children become confident and skillful in mathematics is what you as their parent or teacher should think about. Division as one of the arithmetic operations is usually a challenging concept for most students. It is important to find a good way to enable kids to wrap their minds around the subject.

Division Games can be considered as a helpful method for even youngest children in mastering this basic skill. Even sometimes, Division Games are more effective than other techniques such as math worksheets and the reason is that many math worksheets may still be too conceptual and abstract for small children.

By giving students practical examples or problems, we may make teaching division a simple process. Children are more motivated to learn math especially division if they are exposed to things they can relate to.

If you are looking for ideas for Division Games, then go online and do a simple search on the Internet. You may find tons of games that may include even other types of arithmetic operations such as addition and subtraction problem which they move on to multiplication and division. But nothing is easier than practical examples we can give to our kids in order to train their division skills. Here is an example:

Give your child some money and ask him/her to buy some fruits with all of the money. Tell them how much the fruit costs per its unit and then require them to answer how much fruit they can buy. That way, after their purchase, they will figure it out by themselves and realize the basic concept of division. You can literally perform this task for your children in many aspects of the practical life.

The main goal is to have the kid realize the reasoning of division and its importance in our everyday life. This challenge makes them more interested in learning and encourages them to practice this subject.

In order to teach students the concept of a “remainder”, it is necessary to design our tasks based on that idea. This time, the task requires the kid to buy the items, but there will be some money left which cannot be spent any more on that item. That way, the child will eventually learn the reasoning of a “remainder”. You see, it’s that simple!

What Other Division Games Would You Recommend?

Once your kid reaches a level which is capable of doing some simple divisions in his or her head, then you can introduce them to Division Games such as “division bingo.” It is an easy to do bingo game where the number are answers to division problems. You can simply download division bingo cards as well as bingo cards for other operations such as addition and multiplication, from the Internet and print them out.

Other ways to play division games involve in cooking in the kitchen or gardening in your backyard. You have to ask your kid to figure out how many servings a recipe will result or how many plants will fit into a small garden bed. As a matter of fact, these everyday activities that we take for granted actually involve some serious reasoning skills that are new to kids.

If you help your children master division, then they won’t have any problem with long division, as long you do some real numerical calculations.

Finally, it is recommended to combine multiplication games with division games. It will assist your kids to become expert at both very fast, since division is actually “multiplication reversed” so to speak.

Division games can be a helpful way for kids to learn math and improve their skills. But remember that your journey has just begun. You need to practice math especially in higher grades. Why not take a video course and train your math for your real exams?!

Math Practice: Learn How To Ace Your SAT


Mathematics Games: An Effective Method To Learn Math

Posted on : 01-09-2011 | By : Admin | In : General


Is Playing Mathematics Games An Effective Method To Learn Math?!

Mathematics GamesAlthough there is no doubt about the importance of mathematics, still there are tons of students who hate this subject.

That’s the reason why most teacher try to employ methods such as math games as a strategy for attracting their juniors’ attention to mathematics lessons. Believe it or not, everyone like games.

Whenever you play a math game and try to solve mathematics puzzle, you are actually improving your analyzing skills during your learning process. Actually, math games are perfect learning material for students.

There is a wide range of methods teachers can create effective math games with. However, just a quick search on the Internet will show you tons of websites providing free math games as well as cheap packages of printable math activities which could be employed in classes.

Despite this fact, many people are still wondering whether mathematics games can have reasonable effect on learning the subject. Well, a smart teacher can simply refer them to the fact that many children who most often play math games can get innovative problem solvers more than students who have gone through conventional methods.

Many kids learn the structure of math reasoning when they play math games which are developed based on math problems. Eventually, they become more creative and are able to come up with a solution quickly once they encounter a math problem.

Another beauty of math games is the fun feature behind them. Even children who don’t like math, they can be very passionate about playing games. That way, you will gradually develop interest in them that may end up good results.

What Kind Of Math Games Are Most Effective In Various Ages?

The youngest kids can be encouraged to play games like “connect the dots” pictures or an Advent Calendar in order to be introduced to numbers. Older children can do more complicated math games and many of them become surprisingly addicted to attractive number games like Sudoku. Finally, games such as Mazes and other visual games help students develop their problem solving skills and become ready to learn to geometry. In other words, all math games can increase your brain’s ability to solve problems, whether visually or numerically or both.

To wrap it up, mathematics games generate mental stimulation in its audience which in turn increase creativity, productivity and overall mental ability. They enable children to think always in a more systemic and organized way when they face math problems. So, it is highly recommended to give this opportunity to children in order to help them succeed in math learning.

Hopefully, you can find lots of math games online. Many web pages provide interactive games that meet the needs of student in a way that they get motivated to play these types of games rather than other video games. Just search “math games” and you’ll see a huge number of results.

While playing mathematics games is an effective method to learn math, it is also important to practice this subject as much as you can. Did you know you could have a helpful guide for your math practice especially if you are planning to take some real exams such as SAT? Well, try this:

Math Practice: Learn How To Ace Your SAT

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